
Grand Champion

The Grand Champion will receive:

A study tour to a prestigious university abroad with the following travel arrangements for the winner and accompanying parent or official guardian:

    • Return economy class tickets
    • Hotel accommodation (twin sharing)
    • Cash Award of RM2,000 (Ringgit Malaysia Two Thousand only)
    • A Trophy and a Certificate of Achievement
    • Co-curricular marks
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

1st Runner-up

The 1st Runner-up will receive:

    • A Trophy and a Certificate of Achievement
    • Cash Award of RM1,500 (Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand Five Hundred only)
    • Co-curricular marks
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

2nd Runner-up

The 2nd Runner-up will receive:

    • A  Trophy and a Certificate of Achievement
    • Cash Award of RM750 (Ringgit Malaysia Seven Hundred Fifty only)
    • Co-curricular marks
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

3rd Runner-up

The 3rd Runner-up will receive:

    • A  Trophy and a Certificate of Achievement
    • Co-curricular marks
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

4th Runner-up

The 4th Runner-up will receive:

    • A  Trophy and a Certificate of Achievement
    • Co-curricular marks
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

Top 10 Finalists

Winners for 6th to 10th place will be awarded a Trophy, a Certificate of Recognition, co-curricular marks, JustRead Digital (1 year subscription) and Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription).

Special Award: School of the Grand Champion

The Grand Champion’s school will receive:

    • A Trophy and a Certificate of Recognition
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

Special Award: School With Highest Participation

The School With Highest Participation will receive:

    • A Trophy and a Certificate of Recognition
    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

Other Participants

All participants of the competition who have completed all 15 lessons with a general average grade of at least 70% in the online writing programme will receive a Certificate of Participation and co-curricular marks.

TOP20 SunagoPoints Earner in SunagoLearn Platform

Top 20 Schools

    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)

Top 20 Students

    • JustRead Digital (1 year subscription)
    • Digital English Skills Grammar & Vocabulary (1 year subscription)